Balcones Forge Membership

Join us!

Balcones Forge, an ABANA affiliate, is a nonprofit organization whose primary focus is education in the area of blacksmithing.  Membership entitles the adult family members to the following:

  • the opportunity to increase your knowledge of blacksmithing and related topics through participation in monthly meetings, special workshops and demonstrations.

  • attendance to all Balcones Forge special events and functions at the reduced member rate.

    Safety and Participation Guidelines for Forging Activities

    To ensure a safe and enjoyable experience for everyone, please adhere to the following rules:

    1. Membership Required: A current, paid Balcones Forge Membership is mandatory for participation.

    2. Sign-In Required: All attendees must sign in on the Meeting/Event Sign-in Sheet. If multiple members wish to use the forge, they must sign up for a time slot on the Forge Use Sign-in Sheet. Guardians must sign this form for themselves and any participating minors.

    3. Safety First: All individuals using a forge must wear appropriate safety gear, including flame-resistant pants and shirts, closed-toe shoes (leather preferred), and safety glasses.

    4. Age Restrictions and Supervision of Minors: Participants must be at least 12 years old to receive forging instruction and must have a parent or guardian present at the forge. All minors must be accompanied and supervised by a parent or guardian at all times during the meeting/event.

    5. Instructor's Directions: Participants must follow the instructor's directions at all times.

    6. No Swords, No Weapons: We will not be making swords, knives or weapons of any kind.

    7. Enjoy and Learn: Have fun and learn!

Annual dues are $25 for entire family

Click below for a form.

Membership Form


Bring your completed form to the next meeting or send to:

Balcones Forge
c/o Rudy Billings
PO Box 14
Dime Box, Texas 77853

Please make checks payable to "Balcones Forge."

Contact to request a safe, secure method to pay by credit card.